Affirmative Action "? Need help young students who need jobs? "Job placement and support programs for foreigners?
How wonderful it all looks when you're in one of these areas! But when you look at the unemployed for months and only read, hear or intuit rejects business curriculum that really does not even require advance preparation, you wonder: I have really does not serve either side of scouring the floor of a restaurant?
live in a country that provides more foreign aid to the natives themselves.
I think it's great to have people come here and find an option to improve their quality of life, but I'm very angry that I have to feel like a foreigner to be rejected in many cases because the companies are "certain criteria." Not a question of racism, xenophobia or any of those atrocities, we say that you're creating a theme for Foreigners, here you will find future English, if you have no work, this is not your place.
"paranoid musings?
Okay, but see those jobs that nobody wants to pick up and tell me what you see ... because I do want to work and not give me that opportunity. Perhaps anger, frustration ... maybe but I doubt there to be an engineer to fry a hamburger, that yes, we are pleased to have things ready so that we serve with such joy, respect and professionalism that makes you want to take your hands to the head and throw it. Letter
readers published in the free newspaper 20 Minutes.
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