The seven wonders of the Spanish economy Albaycin
One Spain is the European country with more unemployment, to 20.2 % of the population, double the EU average. It is an absolute abnormality within the First World. Unemployment is similar to that of Mozambique (21%), Sudan (19%) or Iraq (19%).
Two. Before he reached the crisis, Spain was the country with the highest percentage of temporary contracts throughout the EU, as well as the current unemployment, temporary employment also doubled the EU average.
Three. Spain is the country with over 500 euro across the EU: one in four is here. 65% of money circulating in Spain is 500 notes. The figures are down just after the bursting of the housing bubble and still account for 52.244 million euros. A large percentage of this money is not declared and left a year tax fraud of some 16,000 million. We are a bronze medal in the underground economy in the EU with a rate close to 20% of GDP, only Italy and Greece beat us.
Four. Senior managers English are the best paid in Europe. In 2009, the worst year of the crisis, their salaries grew by 15%: the senior management of the Ibex 35 company won a million euros on average. A big boss like 103.5 Telefónica charges its workers together.
Five. The average salary in Spain is of 21,500 euros gross per year, half that of Germany, the Netherlands and the UK. It is misleading half: 63% of English is mileurista or worse. Spain is one of the countries of the EU-15 with greater economic inequality, just behind Portugal. The poverty rate is 20.8%, also the highest in the EU.
Six. Spain is the only country among the 30 wealthiest in the world whose average real wages did not grow up in good years. Between 1995 and 2005, real average wages of the English lost 4% of purchasing power between 1999 and 2006, corporate profits grew by 73%.
Seven. Spain is the only known place where the self-employed and small and medium businesses that pay for declaring modules, on average, less annual income workers and pensioners. Link
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