Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Feeling Really Wet Before Period

Genesis 3: Disobedience of Man

Genesis 3: Disobedience of Man
Alba Marisa Bustos

Summing up the first chapter of Genesis we learn that God created man and woman on the sixth day of creation, who created male and female and told them that dominate the Earth and "fruitful and multiply." A God forgot clarify a small detail, as they should be multiplied, a small detail as we shall see later had their importance.

In the second chapter of Genesis it discovered that the woman, who apparently had created on the sixth day, the re-created on the eighth day, ie after the seventh day is the Sabbath. The second chapter explains the scientific method itself and of course that created them, making a clay figurine and noses touching Adam. Eve was created from Adam's rib, but without going under the knife or subjected to the annoying hassle of medicine. Simplemete took a rib Adam and made Eve. So, without further explanations are unnecessary cumbersome as to be understood by a true believer. Interestingly

good God, all love and tenderness for His creatures newly established plant in the middle of paradise a tree that apparently would have more significance in our lives than we imagined. "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil" say his name. And since we started the mess, and in the third chapter of Genesis three creatures of the newly created rebel was the good god almighty and wise. The snake, cunning as anyone, also knew what would happen if humans ate fruits newly created the tree. I guess I would have told the same God, because I know snakes do not eat fruit from the trees and there ought to have tried before. Moreover, I conclude that the snake had to be bad by nature, perhaps another failure of the same God to create it, what interest could be the serpent deceived Eve? Presumably even the snake, recently those of creation should not be even snake, rather should be a big lizard, or a small alligator, but with legs.


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