Sunday, July 4, 2010

Bow And Arrow Game With Green Screen

Genesis 2: The man in the Garden of Eden

Genesis 2: The man in the Garden of Eden Alba Marisa Bustos

I say yes, I've finally found in Chapter 2 of Genesis itself that keeps coming up to God, that be wonderful they believe the believers, the Bible continues to maintain that God created man making a clay figurine and blowing your nose to infuse life, and probably also the soul, which is supposed to be eternal and immortal, but in Genesis does not tell.

As you can see the explanation given of how God made the universe, life and man, is much more scientific that the proposed Evolutionism. I imagine that for those who reject evolution, which place it in doubt that you are disqualified for incomplete, the way God used to make the building is much clearer, detailed, accurate, clear and scientific.

Genesis presents us with a god among ignorant and wicked, I guess the image and likeness of the men who created it. I make some brief comments in the corresponding verses.

Genesis 2:2 And God blessed the seventh day the work he did, and rested the seventh day from all the work he did.

Genesis 2:3 And God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, because in the rest of all the work he had done in creation.
The man in the Garden of Eden


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