The "home area" in Spain is now very polarized, there are many political parties calling themselves the identity, nationalist or social-that abound in our political environment, without detracting from the potential role of these organizations in the current nationalistic political struggle, since these lines are going to give some advice and tips can be organized autonomously and independently in a simple and effective. As we gain self independence and thus be more agile in our political activity as not depend on complex structures and away from our local reality and directly, creating networks and spaces "our" will gain in efficiency and organizational strength, working our land with our tools and our people, with whom we have a direct and better coordinated in every way, setting our own road map and build our future.
ASSOCIATIONS: Should be the basis of all militant structure, a legally constituted association can be created with just four people, the legalization of an association is very simple and has many advantages: our legal coverage activities, grants, to create our own image and own and responsible for our own organization and strategy, etc.. You can create associations of various kinds depending on what area of \u200b\u200bwork going to play with our political activity: youth, cultural, sports, academic, environmentalist, etc.. In this section of partnership also includes the clubs, they can bring together activists from the same locality with similar hobbies: boxing, cycling, climbing, scooters, football ... the club will also be legalized as a partnership to benefit as well as associations cultural, youth etc. As we say the association is the organizational basis militant struggle for self-efficient and future.
Examples: , , , , ,
BLOGS: Another easy tool to create high performance and level of expression of our propaganda and slogans and ideas are the blogs, these are simple to create, but must be presentable and neat image and give it more credibility, media coverage and "presence" as we post there, they can be blog themes: ecology, sports, local politics, history, and critical opinion today, or they may be official blogs of our organization / association, then we must take care also that which is published as the "voice" of our association and therefore our official means of communication and expression to our members and the general public. Important corporate image (symbols, logos, pictures, etc..) And of course the scrupulous respect for the law (no banned or violent symbols that can easily derail our struggle, the "radical" is not in the forms but at the bottom of our membership, we use for the head it).
Examples: , , , ,
www. ,
LOCAL: A space itself is always a suggestive company while difficult to achieve; Experience discouraged local rent expensive then serve no more than to lock them to get drunk or discuss behind closed doors without keep in touch with the reality of our locality, which is the space we are interested in playing with our propaganda and political work to do ours. That is why we chose by local-business, that is, the opening of local shops, bookshops, bars, pubs open to the public, clubs, etc. it is clear that carrying out an undertaking of this magnitude requires a previously solid partnership structure capable of developing and managing the above projects, but without doubt will bring the most benefit to the organization in every way, from strengthening the structure organizational level to cover self-financing aspect of the association, and even to work out the members of the organization. If businesses are to open with the public is recommended to establish an entrepreneurial society parallel to the partnership in which the militants occupying positions of management and administration, and give the local business-touch open and not too political, with a view to attracting customers outside the "scene" and the standard settlement stabilization-local-business in the neighborhood where located.
OCCUPATIONS: A field in which the Patriot area in Spain has not yet penetrated, we as feasible examples Occupations Nonconforming conducted in Italy, the ONC are occupations of abandoned buildings or premises, preferably in public ownership to establish offices in these associations in our political arena, and we emphasize the "associations" and that take a local case-building previously we have founded an association to give legal cover to our occupation of his face and then claim to be the organizational structure to energize and drive the activities and the use of the premises occupied. We have reference to the way to occupy and organize the occupation by squatters left-wing sectors: legal, methods for choosing what to take and how to spend and more importantly as "defend" the occupation of their eviction and how to earn respect by the district and neighborhood where we occupied. Recommended in this way to give initially a low political profile of the occupation, presenting it as an initiative of a youth club or cultural gain space for its activities to the lack of supply of these by the City: conferences, workshops, video forums, sports, charity initiatives ... it is important to present as an independent occupation of the occupied space networks by the extreme left, saying that in our jobs do not allow the sale and consumption of drugs and that is an occupation of an independent youth sector and independent of any political guideline, presenting it as an occupation "civic" and independent, intelligently and without marking rush our schedule of activities than "purely political", exactly As we do squats ...
CAMPAIGNS: Today edit a sticker, a brochure, poster or make a banner or graffiti is the easiest thing in the world, we encourage it to carry out our resources and people, we can sign propaganda with our collective associations or ghost, or simply not signing. The first way to take the street is through propaganda, besides being the main means of expression and recruitment of new militants.
FUNDING: Beyond what can be "free" system of subsidies through our partnerships, we can also publish and distribute our own material, shirts, patches, plates, etc. This material we can distribute or disseminate through autonomous DISTRIBUTION managed by our associations and militant groups, a good tool to disseminate and distribute our materials through our "distris" is a blog of the Distributor or mailing lists where we have the e-mails of our contacts, supporters and activists.
PUBLICATIONS: A good publication is always a treasure for years NR environments revistillas youth and edited numerous fanzines to express and communicate, today we believe that the blog greatly supplement the space, although if reach an advanced level of partnership organization, editing of a quality magazine which will be translated to text and pictures well mock-ups of activities and ideas of this association is never over and believe it can also be the basis for a coordinated, planned and political militancy of the association, as edition of the magazine will be a useful tool in the face of dynamic teamwork and self-training of members of the association-structure militant.
Examples: , ACTIVISM: All of these tips are aimed at consolidating a youth activist and militant response of social and patriotic to the problems and contradictions in the current political system offers a English youth: unemployment, corruption, drugs, separatist, mass immigration, ANTIFA VIOLENCE, LACK OF VALUES, ETC.
militant activism is a direct and frontal English youth is in their power to give that answer to this system that devalues, rejects and marginalizes the leading role that should be building the future that awaits a future that must conquer struggling and fighting to impose the model of nation and society in which you want to live and work the rest of his days, and a future in which prior to imagine what will live and be reared their children and grow old their parents.
The caste system and the rotten political and Mangoneo misgoverns us and manipulate at will the future of which we speak, are interested in a youth asleep, submissive, drugged and remote control, a youth who spend their best years between the club, the bottle the joint or uppers and come out with a bar code marked on the forehead when you leave the labor market after their studies approved and overcrowded.
Against this it is only awareness, training ideas and values \u200b\u200bgreater and radically opposed to those offered by this murderer and fascist system and youth activism to strengthen and consolidate these high values, twin with other young people with the same concerns, and patriots and build that future in our own city and with our own people. Create Your Future!
a) A recreational center for young and old.
b) A library / Library
c) A conference room and a forum
d) free courses in literacy
e) Free English Course
f) Free English Course
g) Free Photography Course
h) Free Course Computer
i) j
popular Gym) free tax consultation
k) Free Legal Consultation
l) Showroom
m) soundproof music room
n) Monitoring of environmental and ecological degradation in the area
o) Workshops for children
... Etc, etc, etc.
This list of initiatives is taken from a leaflet of a CNB owned Italian Pound House.
activities and projects carried out in the occupation will depend on the capabilities of each association and volunteers to provide coverage for such activities; While experience shows that if you open adequate space to the neighborhood and eventually the City in general, there are many individuals and civic groups that can "give life" and use the space managed and coordinated by us.
"There are no impossible things, but people who are not" Otto Skorzeny
* removed the Nonconforming sheet No. 2. (Sevilla 2008).